Causes For Termination
Termination of Services
If the change or termination is involuntary or initiated by the Early Childhood Education program, the parent/caretaker has 14 calendar days (19 if the Notice of Action is mailed) to appeal. When given to the parent, the parent’s initials acknowledging receipt are required.
Causes for Termination Policy
The following are causes for termination of early education center services, not to exceed three occasions per year:
- Violation of program policies and procedures
- Behavior of a family member that presents a risk to children and staff such as a parent using profane language, threats or destroying property
- Delinquent family fees. Fees are due on the first working day of each month and are delinquent seven days after that date. On the eighth day, a termination NOA will be issued and services will be terminated in 14 days if hand-delivered, 19 days if mailed if fees are not paid in full.
- Failure of parent/guardian to comply with a plan for payment of delinquent fees.
- Expiration of 60 day seeking employment period.
- Excessive unexcused absences are limited to five days per school year.
- Failure to cooperate with District personnel where such failure materially disrupts the smooth and efficient operation of the program. Failure to follow sign-in/sign-out procedure.
- Failure of parent/guardian to notify the center within five calendar days of any pertinent change in material, family, financial status, employment or other information relating to eligibility or need.
- Making a false material statement regarding family, financial status, employment or other information relating to eligibility or need.
- Conduct of child tending to seriously disrupt the smooth and efficient operation of the program.
- Child not trained in toilet habits.
- Failure of parent/guardian to provide eligibility or need information within five calendar days after a written request by the center.
- Failure of parent/guardian to respond promptly when requested to remove child from center because of child’s illness or suspension.
- Violation of contract hours, early drop-off or late pick-up, on three occasions per school year.
- Late pick-up of children after center closing or program ending hours (termination of services may occur on the fourth instance of late pick-up following three written warnings within a one year period of time)
If you do not agree with the agency’s action as stated in the Notice of Action, you may appeal the intended action. To protect your appeal rights, you must follow the instructions described in each step listed on the back of the Notice of Action. If you do not respond by the required due dates or fail to submit the required appeal information with your appeal request, your appeal may be considered abandoned. The appeal is sent to the Early Childhood Education Division address that appears on the back of the Notice of Action.